315g zucchinis (approx. 1 large zucchini)
1 large onion
3 bacon rashes
1 cup grated cheddar cheese
1 cup S.R Flour
½ cup sunflower oil
5 eggs
Salt and pepper
Grate zucchini, finely chop onion and bacon. Combine with
flour, beaten eggs, oil and cheese. Pour in greased dish. Bake 30-40 minutes in
moderate oven to brown.
Note: In future, I will probably saute the onion before putting it in the mix as I like my onion really soft and just putting it in raw it still had a bit of bite.
This is such a yummy zucchini slice! I cooked the onion like you suggested and it gave it a really good flavour! I will definitely be making this again!